inez2.txt (converted from an original document in all upper case) weeks pass. paul stays away. tommy doesn't call. maxine leaves me alone. i do all the chores every day. the twins talk to me now. mother leaves me alone. i am working more and saveing money. my grades in school are the tops. most important, sam has a date with me. when sam asked me, i talked with kathy about it. kathy says its ok. 'after what we have been thru together, what could you do on a date that i haven't seen you do?' i am like a girl on her first date. i buy a new dress, new shoes, new underware, even new toilet articles. i do my hair in a new way. i am ready for my date two hours early. sam arrives early too. i have the best day of my life. i think it started many days ago, but for sure, i am in love with this man. i am no good at secrets. (sam i love you. it isn't a sudden thing. it has grown for many weeks. i want to be your woman. i want to cook for you and have your babies. you don't have to marry me. i am a weak person. anyone can have me if they rub me in the right place. please let me keep my dream.) 'inez, i believe in marriage. i am in school and cannot get married now because i want to support my wife properly. i want the big house with dozens of kids. i am going to college next year. i like you a lot. can we leave it at that for now?' (yes. my love is big enough for us both. i am very happy tonight. all because of you.) when i come home the house is empty. sam left me at the door, because i expected mother to be home. mother's note explains that she was suddenly called out of town. the twins are sleeping over. so i am all alone. i decide to call sam and have him spend the night. as i reach for the phone someone puts his hand over my mouth and twists my arm up in a hammerlock. 'silence or i kill you.' where have i heard that voice. a blindfold is put over my eyes and my hands tied behind me. i am pushed into the living room. the blinds are all pulled and the lights turned up. someone puts a tape into the video machine and turns on the tv. i listen to the same tape that paul played. arnies record of our special night. (you have no right to that tape. it was a special private night, just for us.) 'if you talk again without permission, i will cut your tongue. we want to do everything that is on this tape. you will do it for us while we make a tape of our own. (no.) i brace for a hit, but it never comes. instead i feel fingers on my pussy. (no, please.) i hear laughing. the fingers continue until i am wet and ready. i spread my legs to allow greater access. i feel more hands on my breasts and ass. (no. no. no.) they all stop. i ache from need. i try not to ask, but it comes out without my thinking. (please don't stop.) i am crying from shame. (i need you to touch me.) i sob uncontrolably. their camera is getting all of it, but i don't care i am beyond careing. i strip down to my panties and bra. i kneel down and beg them to rape me. (please untie me and i will do myself.) someone unties my hands. i reach into my panties. several hands help me out of my panties and bra. when i am naked, i spread my legs and rub myself. i moan and stroke myself faster. when i am almost ready, someone pushes me down so that i bend at the waist. my breasts swing and bounce all over. as i bring myself to climax. when i relax, they ask me to walk and jump like the original video. i have to walk carefully, because of the blindfold. someone suggests that they remove the blindfold. noone argues. the blindfold comes off. i see a room full of students from my high school. i am ashamed of my weakness and blush. i walk and jump for them. the camera has slow motion so they ask me to jump off the couch several times. i do. they ask me to visit each boy separately. it takes a long time, because there are a lot of them and each wants a close inspection. i suggest that i lay on the table and have them move around me. after each has had his private instection, they agree. it is a strange sensation being fondled by that many people at once. my pussy gets constant attention so that i am wet and hot in no time i moan and pull someone down to kiss me. finally many hands help. some squeeze my breasts, many finger my pussy and thighs, some feel my legs and arms. it is a good high for me and i scream at climax. they have me do each thing from the first film and several things that they come up with. finally the spokesman asks me if i would rather be gang banged then drink urine from three guys or drink all of our urine i choose gangbang. the leader fingers me. i am already hot so i am ready in a short time. he keeps it up till i beg for them to start. just when i think that i will go crazy, they push me to the floor and i satisfy all twenty seven. i have to have towels under me to catch the come. when everyone is happy, i am taken to the bathroom and made to drink urine from three penises. when the third is done, the leader puts his finger down my throat. and i vomit all the urine and sam's expensive dinner. when they leave i beg them to keep my secret and not show the tape to anyone else. the leader lingers for a moment. 'thank's inez. you were wonderful.' (i hope you guys are still my friends. you know my weakness, my shame. by the way, who told you that i would be alone tonight.) 'paul gave us the film and told us when.' after the boys leave, i clean up the place and go upstairs to bed. i don't know why i am so careless sometimes. i shower, put up my hair and climb into bed. i hear a noise in my room. (whos there?) 'put this on.' someone hands me a blindfold. they grab my breast hard, so i put it on. i recognize that voice. he is trying to disguize it, but i know that i have heard it before. 'stand up. and strip.' when i am naked, i feel two people grab my arms. a third person puts something on my breasts. it feels like he is painting it on with a paint brush. he paints both entire breasts. i have to lay down on the bed on my back with my head on the floor for him to paint the bottoms. finally he has me stand up. i feel something strange. my breasts are starting to hurt. i try to touch myself, but they will not let me the pain becomes intense. i start to cry. i struggle, but they hold me. (please, i am burning up. i cannot stand the pain.) i kneel down and plead with them. (i beg you to release me. i will do anything for you, anything you ask.) when i start to scream, they gag me. i struggle as long as my strength lasts. finally i pass out from pain. when i wake up i am lying in the shower with water running on me. my breasts are on fire. i turn the water to cold only. i look at myself. my breasts are red. there is soap on me so someone has washed the. the pain brings tears to my eyes. what can i do? i run to the phone and call sam. (please forgive me, sam. i need help. please come now. i am alone in the house. i am in great pain, please hurry.) i am on the porch wearing only panties and shorts when sam arrives. i run to him. my breasts hurt so much that i cannot hug him. when i explain, we kiss without my breasts touching him. i tell sam about the people in my room and the stuff on my breasts. we don't know what it could have been. acid maybe. we apply a baking soda solution just in case. cold packs seem to help. sam stays the night and stays up with me while i suffer. i fix sam a great breakfast even if i say so myself. when sam leaves the pain is still severe. much less than last night, however. i cannot wear a bra, because of the pain. i wear t shirts. when mother returns, she asks me what trouble i have been in now. 'what will the phone call be about this time?' (i hope you don't get any.) mother notices my missing bra so i explain that i have a rash. when i show her my breasts, she insists that i see the doctor. tommy calls so i have him drive me to the doctors. i explain what happened along the way. i take the doctor into my conficence and tell him someone put some stuff on me. he examines me closely and prescribes a salve and pain pills. we buy the salve, but i do not believe in drugs. when me get home, mother is waiting for me with a new strap in her hand. she sends tommy away. i slowly enter the house and stand before her. 'the neighbor just called. it seems someone had a party yesterday in my house. she said hundreds of boys were here. she also said all the blinds were pulled.' it is true, there were twenty seven. 'they were here for several hours?' '(yes.) 'doing what?' i am silent. 'my god inez, twenty seven?' 'you disobeyed me?' (yes) 'take your clothes off and bend over.' i obey her. 'this strap will not cut you. i am told it will hurt more.' she beats me. she is right, it does hurt more. when she stops whiping me, i stand up and she grabs both of my breasts hard. 'now keep these to yourself from now on.' i am crying from pain. my breasts ache. i sob as i dress. i spend the rest of the day doing chores. the doctors salve helps, but i spend a miserable two weeks while my breasts heal. in two weeks, however, i am good as new. the twins are still not chummy with me. i want them to love me. i continue to do their chores even though the month is ended. mother asks me about it. (i am a wicked person. i should be punished all the time.) kathy and kristy come into my room one night after work. i am very pleased, because they have been aloof lately. 'inez, the month has ended.' (i know, but i like doing things for you.) 'did you like it when you touched us?' (yes. i love you both. and you have two gorgeous bodies. i am envious.) 'would you like to touch with us tonight?' (yes, but i want to shower first.) i almost cry with joy. my joy was a little premature. what the twins wanted was someone to kiss them, fondle them, lick them, and suck them, but they give nothing in return. i do my best to bring them to climax. it is very difficult with these two cold fish. i think i got kristy to orgasm, but kathy couldn't quite make it. i was never touched. i wasn't even asked to take my clothes off. when they get thru with me, they thank me, and invite me to come again. (i want to make you happy. what else can i do for you. i can't seem to make you happy enough. if you have any ideas that will help me get you excited, please tell me.) i leave. what can i do to make them love me? i talk it over with sam on one of our dates. he admits that he never could get close to the twins. 'we had sex. they are beautiful girls, but i was never really close to them.' (i am making love with them, whenever they will let me. i wish i knew how to get them really excited.) 'i only have one suggestion. try pinching her clitoris very hard. she will complain, but i did that on the only day kathy ever had orgasm with me.' (ok. thanks, i'll try it.) life is easy for several weeks. i do all the chores, but i love the work. mother is happy. the twins are pleasant at least. sam and i are more or less going steady. mother likes sam. sam is respectful and considerate. paul has disappeared from my life. tommy calls frequently, but i don't see him often. the last time we met i refused to let him fuck me. i told him that i was going steady with sam. one night when mother is out of town, the twins have late dates, and sam is working late, i get another --visit--. i am reading a book when i hear something downstairs. i go downstairs and someone grabs me from behind. 'put this on and strip.' the same voice. i hear it every day. who is it? someone yanks my hair so i put the blindfold on and take my clothes off. 'lay down and open your pussy for me.' my hair is yanked back so hard that i fall backward onto the floor. i reach down and open myself. i rub myself so that i will not be dry. by the time i am raped, i am moist. two boys rape me. i can tell them appart. when they are finished, they pull me to my feet and tell me to spread my legs. i do. 'farther. now hold your pussy open for me.' i reach down and spread my pussy lips apart. something cold, probably plastic slides into my pussy. it is not very large, but it is long. something is squirted into my pussy. the nozzle is shoved around so that the liquid covers my entire inner cunt. the tube is withdrawn for a moment and then reinserted. more liquid is forced into me. the tube is withdrawn and my hands are removed and held on each side of me. someone puts a four inch wide strip of adhesive tape over my crotch. starting at my navel going over my pussy and someone spreads my cheeks so that it covers my asshole. about then it starts to burn. (oh no! not that. please not that.) my hands are held for a time. shortly the burning is more than i can stand. i scream. my hands are released. i grab myself and moan. walking causes extreem pain. (please help me. i am burning up.) i stand there pleading until i pass out. i wake up outside with the garden hose poked thru a hole in the tape into my pussy with the water running. the hose is in as far as it can go. my pussy is still on fire. i pull it out and go inside. i get some baking soda and disolve it in water and force some into my pussy with the douch applicator. i go to my room and fall onto my bed, asleep instantly. kathy wakes me when she comes home. i was moaning in my sleep, from the constant pain. my pussy is burning up. the pain is intense. i get up, clean up the house, take half a dozen aspirins and go back to bed. i have a fever. walking is painful. my inner thighs got some of the stuff on them. they are red and burning also. i go back to bed. the next week is a blurr. i dress. i go to school. i eat. i sleep. i go to work. mostly i ache. i am constanly thinking about my ache. two weeks later, there are still moments of discomfort. by my birthday, i am back to normal. fortunately, none of the stuff got on my clitoris. sam makes my birathday special. sam gives me flowers and a tv for my room. (thank you darling. i am better now. i can thank you properly.) we make love on my birthday. sam makes that special too. he fingers me and sucks me till i am crazy with want. he makes me wait until i am shaking, then he inserts his penis into me and we come together. we come together several times. we know each other well, and can make the other happy in many special ways. tommy calls. (i don't want to see you. ok. one last time. for old times sake.) i go to tommy's house, because noone else is home. tommy wants to -see and touch-. i say no. tommy plays the video tape made by arnie. then he plays the tape made with the twenty seven. i am silent. (i am saving myself for sam, tommy. please understand. i still want to be your friend, but things are different now.) 'ok inez i tried to be nice, but you want it the hard way. i want your body. if you don't do exactly what i want, i will show these tapes to your mother." (tommy, no! we are friends.) 'we used to be friends, but not anymore. well how about it?' (tommy please. you know what my mother will do to me.) 'i have a pretty good idea.' i am silent. (tommy, you have me over a barrel. i must do as you say.) 'if you tell anyone, i go straight to your mother.' (please let me tell sam.) 'no! absolutely not!' (ok.) 'i have made a list of things that i want to do with you, or have you do. today we will do the first three.' tommy hands me the list. i cannot believe this list. the first three are not too bad, except they mention friends. (who are these friends mentioned?) 'today they are the three boys behind you.' i turn around and see three of tommy's classmates. 'if you don't mind i will lead off.' tommy takes my clothes off. he knows how. when i am naked. tommy goes right for my secret spot. while he works on me, his friends take liberties with my body, particularly squeezeing and feeling my breasts and ass. i lose it quickly. i part my legs to give tommy better access. i reach down and pull my pussy open for him. in no time, i am moveing with his rhythm. i moan and tommy withdraws his fingers. i insert my finger, but tommy pulls it away. 'maybe later.' the boys strip and i must jack them off while they sit. i bend way over and my breasts swing while i jack them off. they all enjoy the show. when each boy gets close to orgasm, he pulls me down and i suck his penis while he comes in my mouth. when they tire of that, tommy works on me until i am moaning and ready, then they take me one at a time. tommy knows how to make me come. the others are new i guess. they come in me, but i don't reach climax. very unusual for me. when they are satisfied, we go into the family room where tommy has his dad's video camera set up. tommy has me make three individualized tapes for his three friends. i am forced to talk dirty and perform acts that even make me shudder. they take closeups of my entire body, showing everything. i even jump off the chair while the camera records it in slow motion. i shake my breasts, i squeeze my breasts i open my pussy to the camera, i open my asshole to the camera. i am shot in every position from every angle. finally they film me sucking the candidate to orgasm and then i hold my mouth under his penis while the come drips in. i then suck him dry and suck him until he swells. we are photographed as we fuck in every position. after he comes i suck his penis clean. it takes a long time. i am exhausted when we finally finish. the three friends give tommy two hundred dollars each and take their tapes. tommy gives me one hundred fifty. 'you deserve something. i will call you for the next session.' i beg tommy to let me go, but he only fingers my spot till i beg him for more. tommy fingers me till i moan, then he tells me to finish myself. tommy records me fingering myself. i hold myself open with one hand while rubbing myself with the other. tommy has me bend so that my breasts swing and bounce. tommy tapes my climax in slow motion. my screams are on the tape. when i come down from my high, i blush into the camera. 'one last thing inez, leave your window blinds up from now on.' tommy allows me to go home. as the weeks go by tommy has me make dozens of individualized tapes. i am becomeing rich. i never pull my blinds down. this makes life difficult for me, because i try to avoid my room when my clothes are off. sam and i enjoy a great christmas. we are almost like man and wife. i frequently fix meals for him. i have even done some of his laundry. and of course, we have great sex. i want to tell sam about tommy and the tapes, but the time never seems right. on one saturday night when i am alone in the house, i get an unpleasant surprise. i come home from work late, shower, and prepare for bed. when i am checking the locks, i notive the back door is not locked. i lock it and start upstairs. paul steps out of the shadows and says hi. i am scared out of my wits. it is so bad that i start to cry. (paul, you scared me. what are you doing here. we agreed not to see each other again. please leave.) paul does not move. i am only wearing my panties. i cover my breasts with my hands. boys come from behind and gently pull my hands down. 'we have seen several new videos that you have made for your friends. we want some of the action. i figured that since we were such good friends, you would perform for me and my friends for free.' (get out. all of you get out.) they have all seen my original videos by now and they all know how to make me do anything. while the two boys hold my hands, paul works on my pussy. i last about 40 seconds. i spread my legs to give paul better access. paul slides his hand into my panties, enters my wet pussy, and finds my seat of pashion. when i am moving with him and breathing hard my hands are released. i moan and paul withdraws. (don't stop, please.) 'later if you are a good girl. sing for us, please.' the boys have me sing several songs for them. after several songs, paul has me come over to him and he rubs my clitoris again. when i moan he stops and has me sing some more. my voice cracks because of my excited state, but i manage to sing for them. they have me bounce and shake for them. finally, paul has me over again and removes my panties. i bend down and kiss paul. his finger is on my clitoris and i quickly lose control. i suck his tongue and start to unbutton his shirt. i moan when he reaches up and squeezes my breasts. paul pushes me over to another boy, who takes over on my pussy and breasts. i kiss him and unbutton him. when i have his pants unzipped, he pushes me to the next boy. i am pushed back and forth until i have them all stripped. i then start to mastrabate them. i get passed before any of them come. finally paul pulls my mouth down onto his penis. paul doesn't let me kneel so i have to bend down a long way. when i am sucking him, i feel someone spreading my legs from behind. they feel my ass and pussy. they run their fingers along my asshole. this causes me to get very excited. i suck and pump paul with my mouth. fingeres start working on my pashion seat and i lose control. i pump paul as fast as i can paul comes in my mouth and i move on to the next boy. as i suck and pump him, new hands squeeze my swinging breasts. each boy comes in my mouth. i lose count, because they each come into my mouth several times. finally paul indicates that it is time for a new activity. we all climb up to my room. paul opens my bed and has me lie down. each boy, starting with paul, has me to himself in my bed. each boy rapes me and i love it all. i come many times. when each boy has had me as many times as he wants, the entire group enters my room. they gangbang me, one after another as fast as they can. i moan and reach climax several times. when they are all exhausted, they dress to leave. i walk to the door and kiss each boy goodnight. i place each boy's hand on my breast and talk briefly. i tell them that i love sam and want to be his bride. i plead with them to not repeat or talk about what happened tonight. each boy promises. paul hands me an envelop when he leaves. (paul, i am hurt. i loved you once. you have spoiled my memory. when i think of you now i will think of tonight, not the good times we had. i want to be sam's bride someday. please leave me alone.) i take pauls face in my hands and kiss him on the mouth. i place pauls hand on my breast. (part of me still loves you a little. please don't come again.) tommy forces me to make several more videos. the boys in the videos are no longer from the school, and tommy has doubled my pay. one night tommy calls me over and explains that tonight will be a little different. tommy had fifteen preteens waiting for me. twelve, eleven, enen one ten year old. children. i have them in one at a time at first. i kiss them and let them feel me. i undress while they watch. i let them feel my naked breasts and ass. i show them where my spot is and have them work on me. it excites me. i undress them. i fondle them. i let them mount me. finally we all go into the family room and tommy films my performance for them while they watch. i dance and strut and bounce. i know all the moves that excite boys by now. i kiss each boy and suck his penis for the camera. the boys gangbang me for the camera. most of the boys reach climax. two boys do not, one doesn't even have an erection. when the boys leave i ask the two boys to stay. we have a talk and i give them special attention. i take a long time and get results. both boys have good erections and both boys reach climax while fucking me. i feel good. tommy pays me, but refuses to look me in the eye. i ask him what is wrong, but he won't answer. i kiss him goodbye and leave. i finally get a chance to try sam's idea on kathy. one night when kristy is out on a date, i finish my chores early and start up to bed. kathy's door is open when i pass by. the door is never open. i knock on the door and kathy asks me in. kathy is wearing only panties. (kathy, you are a beautiful girl. i bet you drive your boyfriends crazy.) tears fill kathy's eyes. 'boys are all assholes.' i have to agree there. 'inez, you said that you would be availabale if we wanted you.' (thats right.) 'i want you right now. please take your clothes off.' i close the door and strip. 'please lay here on the bed.' kathy wants to see and feel me. i love it. kathy squeezes my breasts and activates my nipples. kathy kisses my breasts and sucks them. my hand goes down to her leg and i fondle her leg gently as i slowly work my way up to her panties. kathy fingers my pussy and i start to breath heavy. i work on kathy's pussy thru the panties. finally i reach over and pull her panties off. kathy fingers my spot and i moan. i cannot think straight when someone fingers me there. i moan and pull kathy down to me. i kiss her on the mouth hard. kathy fingers me harder and i climax with a scream. kathy starts to withdraw, but i pull her over and lay her down. i work on her pussy. when i have her special spot, i pinch her clitoris hard. kathy moans. i pinch harder. kathy pushes my hand away, but i refuse to withdraw. i squeeze and roll her clitoris between my fingers. i squeeze her breasts, gently at first, then harder and harder. kathy moans harder and finally screams her climax. when kathy finally settles down, i kiss her clitoris and each breast. i pull kathy to her feet and hug her. (i love you. if you ever want me, i will come.) after i leave, i hear kathy crying. my surprise for february involves my mother. one day i come home to get some school books that i forgot. as i leave my room, i hear tommy's voice. i sneek over to the stairs where i can see and hear. tommy is threatening my mother. 'be still and put your hands down.' tommy puts his hand on mother's pussy. 'please, don't. i will pay you.' tommy rubs her pussy. in no time i can see that my mother has the same problem that i do, except hers is much worse. tommy kisses her and she responds, opening her mouth and frenching. mother starts taking tommy's clothes off. her hands are shaking and it takes longer than she wants. tommy has to help her with buttons. when tommy is naked, mother starts on herself. they are still kissing. mother has herself stripped in no time. mother grabs tommys hand and rubs herself harder with it. tommy inserts his finger into her pussy and strokes her clitoris. mother moans and grabs tommy's penis. she strokes him till he is hard. when tommy is ready, he pushes her to her knees and forces his penis into her mouth. tommy grabs her hair and moves her back and forth on his penis until he comes. she sucks him dry and tries to withdraw. tommy forces her to continue sucking him while he squeezes her breasts. mother's body is gorgeous. i am in awe every time i see it. when tommy is hard again, tommy reaches down over her asshole and fingers her clitoris again. she spreads her legs wide and sucks harder and faster. tommy pushes her down on the floor and enters her. tommy pumps her till she screams. a long high scream. tommy has to hold her mouth. tommy comes and withdraws. tommy grins. 'thank you, helen.' tommy leaves. mother cries and goes to the bathroom. i sneek out one night something wakes me up. i look out my window and see my mother naked surrounded by tommy and two friends. they are putting giant clothes pins on mother. her hands are tied behind her, she is blindfolded, and she is gagged. i remember this sceen. tommy is wearing rings exactly like sam's. clothes pins are placed on her breasts, nose, ears, tongue cheeks, pussy, and legs. mother is crying. they pull her out into the deserted street, spin her around several times and release her. they watch as she heads in the wrong direction. tommy takes several photographs of her and then the boys leave. mother starts off in the wrong direction. i dress and go to her. i guide her back to the house and help her in. i remove the gag. 'who are you.' (inez.) 'untie me.' i untie her. she removes her blindfold and takes the clothes pins off. she has been crying. while she rests for a minute, i go get my pins and show them to her. 'this happened to you?' (yes.) 'who is doing it?' (i don't know.) i lied. why? i don't know. later that week i am awakened by a rock hitting my window. i look out and see mother naked with her hand in her pussy. i go down and let her in. she is very humble. she doesn't say anything to me. she just goes into her bedroom and shuts the door. the next time we are alone, i ask mother if we should call the police. she goes white and insists that the police not be called. i knew she would. (what can we do?) 'i'm thinking on it. i'll come up with something.' i am not surprised when a rock hits my window three weeks later. i see mother naked again outside my window. i go down and open the door. mother is nowhere around. she has collapsed under my window. i help her into the house. 'pussy, asshole, burn.' i know what that means. i help her up to the bathroom and force a baking soda douch into her pussy and asshole. she is sobbing uncontrolably. i give her several aspirins and put her to bed. i make two ice packs and place them on her pussy and asshole. i stay up all night to help if needed. each time she wakes, she wants water. i send the twins to school the next day and stay home with mother. she is in and out of consciousness until noon. when she wakes up, she cries for a time, asks for more ice for the icepacks, and asks for more drink. when she is stable we talk. 'i know where your rash came from.' i nod. 'did they do this to you too?' (not in my asshole.) 'that is the worst part. i can't reach it or do anything about the pain. i am sorry, that i spanked you. i feel so ashamed. please forgive me.' (i forgive you.) it takes several weeks for her to recover. tommy leaves us alone for some time. when he calls to start tapeing sessions again, i tell him to go to hell. i live to regret talking to him that way. two weeks later while walking home from work, tommy kidnaps me. it was so simple. they just drove up next to me, opened the door and pulled me in. they take me to tommy's house. when we are all together in the family room, i discover who my captors are. tommy is there. paul is there. maxine is there. arnie is there. two of tommy's friends from the first video are there. tommy is the spokesperson. later tonight we will make a video for a very select clientell. for now, we want to have some fun with you ourselves. take your clothes off!' (no.) 'if you do not cooperate completely tonight, we will start to work on the twins.' my bravado collapses. (please don't.) we are not neccesarily thru with your mother yet either. (ok. if you will leave them alone, i will make the video.) tommy starts the camera and records my strip. i am asked to do all the regulars, walking, jumping, etc. then we start the unusual ones. i am turned upside down. arnie and paul hold my legs and shake me. my breasts hang almost to my face. the camera records it in slow motion. paul and arnie hold me horizontal and shake me again. once more on the other side. all the breast bouncing episodes are recorded in slow motion. tommy takes closeups of my face, breasts, and pussy, which i hold open for him. tommy has me expose my clitoris to the cameras and finger myself to orgasm while the camera films a closeup of my clitoris followed by a full length shot of me having the orgasm. i moan and scream when the orgasm is upon me. tommy puts the camera away and has me suck each boy to orgasm everyone leaves except tommy, paul, arnie, and maxine. tommy has me shower and make myself as pretty as possible. tommy has me dress in some very expensive and gorgeous clothes. all brand new. everything fits. (can i keep these?) 'yes, and you will be paid well for tonights work.' we all get in tommy's car and drive to carl's house. carl is there and gives me a special greeting. i think he likes me in a special way. we greet the new guests together. they look me over carefully and each seems happy with the choice for tonight. i don't know the newcomers. they are older men. some are mean looking. hard eyes. finally all are here. tommy introduces me again and shows them how he will record the proceedings. each of the newcomers will be allowed to torture me anyway that he wishes. however the rules are that there is to be no permanent damage, and no visible scars. tommy has told me to make the evening as exciting for the guests as possible. when he hears that i like carl, he tells me that carl will get hurt if i am not satisfactory. i like carl so i cooperate. carl conducts an aution for my clothes. the biding is done by holding up the money. the bidding starts at five dollars for my shirt and shoes. i undress slowly, run my hands over my body, and move around the room. i finally deliver the item of clothing to the highest bidder. my bra panties go for fifty dollars and my bra goes for one hundred. carl comments to me that i brought the highest at the auction that he has ever seen. after i am naked the fun begins. carl, tommy, arnie , and maxine watch in the background. only the paying guests participate. they have me walk to each guest and get inspected. all of them touch my breasts to be sure they are real. i walk while they watch. an exercise trampolene is brought in and they watch while i do jumping jacks. my breasts bounce all over. i am asked to face away from the audience and touch my toes. my asshole and pussy are exposed. my legs are spread so that they get a better view and can see my breasts hanging upside down. tommy asks if anyone wants to touch. several nod. i back up to each one and get poked, stroked, pinched, and squeezed. when each has had his fill, we all go downstairs where the torture equipment is kept. the first guest ties my hands behind me. a rope is attached to my hands and run thru a metal hook in the ceiling. the rope is pulled until i am almost hanging. i groan in pain. my toes touch the floor, but my heels will not reach. the pain is intense. he then works on my dangling breasts. squeezing, pinching, pulling. each brings a scream from my lips. he rubs my nipples till they stand out. he pinches my nipples and pulls them as hard as he can. he holds them like that for a long time while i scream and beg for him to stop. finally he lets me go. the next man grabs my hair and pulls my head back while he inserts a device into my mouth. i am forced to put my tongue thru the center of it while he pushes it into my mouth as far as it will go. he grabs the end of my tongue and pulls. finally he pushes a lever and the device clamps down on my tongue. i cannot pull my tongue back. it is locked in the device. my mouth is open as far as it will go. finally a leather strap is tied around my forehead and under my chin. a device fits over my nose with two projectiles fitting into my nose holes. when the device is pulled tight, the projectiles are forced farther up into my two nose holes. i am in extreem pain. i am standing on my tip toes to minimize the pain in my shoulders, while my tongue is being crushed, and the tender inner part of my nose is being poked. the next man passes a large rope between my legs and has two assistants hold it up and taut while he spreads my cheeks and opens my pussy so the the rope passes against my asshole and thru my pussy lips. then he takes one end while the assistant takes the other and they pull the rope back and forth across my asshole and pussy. the pain from the rope burn is exteem. he works there for several minutes. i jump on my tip toes in pain. when he is done he sprays my asshole and pussy with a disinfectant causing acute pain from the damaged tissues. when he is finished, he kicks my feet so that my entire weight is hanging. i scramble trying to lessen the pain. he keeps kicking my feet away. finally he leaves and i can stand up to aleviate some of the pain. the next man pushes a broom handle up my asshole. he pushes and pushes and pushes. i cannot see how far it goes in, but it feels like a mile. he leaves it hanging out of my asshole, and pokes another one into my pussy. he doesn't have to push this one as hard. it goes in a long way. he pulls it out and talks to tommy for a minute. tommy leaves and comes back with a baseball bat. the man nods and asks for assistance. tommy holds my pussy open for him. i am surprised to see him forcing the large end into my pussy. he pushes so hard that i raise a leg to help. finally it starts in. he pulls and pushes until the bat is in almost a foot. the man sits down. the men want an intermission. they all stand up and have refreshments while i suffer. they walk around me touching and poking. they pull up on my hands causing me to lose my balance and fall. each time i scramble to get my feet under me because of the pain. several try to push the ass rod and the bat in farther. they are partially successfull. they examine my rope burn. after intermission, the bat is withdrawn, the ass rod is withdrawn, the levers are pushed, the nose strap removed, and finally the tongue crusher removed. my tongue and mouth ache. finally the rope is taken down and i can stand on my feet. the pain is extreem. i am crying from pain. i try to talk by i cannot. my mouth will not function. the next man brings needles, large ones and small ones. he reaches into my mouth and pulls my tongue out. he pinches it hard so that i cannot feel the pain, then he pushes two medium sized needles thru my tongue at right angles to each other about two inches from the end. when he releases my tongue i feel the pain. he pokes a medium sized needle thru my cheek about half an inch into my mouth and then back out. same on the other side. he does the same with my upper and lower lips. he pushes two very long needles thru both of my breasts and out the other side. two small needles are pushed thru my nipples. large needles are used to go thru my pussy lips and back out again. one on each side. a small needle goes thru my nose, and two small needles thru my ears complete his task. tommy gets a closeup of his work. everyone wants to look closer. when everyone is satisfied, he withdraws the needles and sits down. again, i am crying, because of pain. the next has me straped into the rack first. htb. htb. htb. htb. htb. htb. i scream from the new pain. my feet are down past my face. i am looking into my pussy. the man grabs my pussy lips, which are already apart because of the rack, takes one in each hand and pulls them apart. the flesh is not torn, but it feels like it is. the next man puts his entire hand into my pussy and feel everything in there. i moan when he hits the tender parts. i watch closely, because my face is inches from his arm. the next man takes me out of the rack and stands in front of me with my back to the audience. he has me bend way over. he stradles me, puts his hands on each cheek of my ass, and pulls them apart. it feels like he is successfull. several men pinch and pull and squeeze. the last man has carl put me on the pussy rubber and water machines. tommy has filmed the entire show. finally my hands are released. the man who bought my bra takes me into a side room and rapes me while carl and tommy are saying goodnight to everyone. when carl finds out, he makes the man pay one thousand dollars to me. 'you are worth it.' he gives me a card and asks me to call him. carl tells me to avoid him. carl asks me if i am ok. i like carl. someday i think i will make love with him. not tonight, i am exhausted. i dress while tommy records it on tape. tommy even records my exit. tommy and his friends take me back to tommy's house. we talk for a time. i can avoid the torture sessions from them if i will be available for carl's friends. (i will, providing that you keep it secret, and leave my family alone.) they agree. tommy pays me two hundred dollars. i go home for some much needed rest. life is good again. sam and i date occasionally. i date other boys too. the owner of the fast food where i work, mr. pots, tries to rape me one night after close. i kick him in the testicles and flee. i quit the next day. mr. pots begs me to stay, but i refuse. with the free time i catch up on homework and do the chores. the twins help a little, but basically i do all the work around the house. mother is looking very good. tommy arranges torture sessions for me about three times per month. most of them are not too bad. sometimes, however, i must spend the next day in bed. they are hard on me. just before summer recess, tommy gives me a surprise. tommy arranges for me to share a torture session with three other girls. he assures me that my pay will no deminish, so i agree. on the night of the shared torture, i am surprised and furious when the other three girls turn out to be mother and the twins. tommy cautions me to silence and threatens me with returned tortures. i am so mad that i cannot keep it in. tommy has to gag and tie me for a time. finally we start. mothers bra brings the highest prize at the aution. even greater than my record. we each grab our ankles and back into the audience. the guests are allowed to feel and poke our bottom's and pussy's, and squeeze our breasts till they have their fill. we are all tied and blindfolded then sent among the guests. when we cannot see who it is, the pinches and pokes become more painful. several men know my secret and have me begging for more in no time. i hear mother begging too. the twins are silent. the blindfolds are removed and we each take our turn on the rack. mother is first. when she is screaming, i am forced to open her pussy and finger her to climax. after mother kisses her own pussy, i am forced to kiss her pussy and mouth while we both bring her to a climax. finally i am forced to put my entire hand into her pussy and then insert my finger into her uterus. mother groans and screams when i insert my finger. finally mother is taken off the rack and i am straped in. when i am kissing my pussy, mother joins me and we kiss and lick my clitoris until i come. mother puts her finger into my uterus. the pain is extreem, i groan and cry out in pain. the twins cry and scream a lot. i enjoy kissing and sucking them. i have great difficulty getting my hand into their pussys. i am sure that it is very painful for them. i finally get in and force my finger into each uterus. when we are all released, we are all strung up from the ceiling by our hands tied behind us. mother's breasts hang and swing with her motions. the individualized tortures begin. one guest picks the tougue puller. when he puts it on me i notice that he is mr. pots. he is particularly rough with me. he pulls my tongue out as far as he can before pushing the lever that locks my tongue. he squeezes my breasts and fingers my pussy before he starts the nose poker. somehow he has that adjusted also so that the pain is much greater. my nose aches. i exspect it to bleed every moment. mr. pots plays with my privates again before he goes on to the other three. my tongue aches. he must have adjusted it to maximum pain. i have had it many times, but it has never hurt like this before. the needles bring cries of pain from each of us. my tongue and breasts think that they are pin cushions. this time he pokes thru the inner thighs and each buttock cheek also. the sticks in our assholes are uncomfortable. the baseball bats however give the twins fits. they are small in the hips, and there is not a lot of room there. finally when the bats are forced into their pussy's they both scream and cry for help. i struggle for freedom to help, but it only brings me additional pain. at intermission, mr pots works on me the entire time. he pulls the needles out of my ass and reeinserts them. (please, mr. pots, i hurt enough.) he pulls the needles out of my inner thighs and reinserts them lower down. i cry. i beg. (please, stop.) 'i want you tonight.' when he starts to pull the needle out of my breast, i give in. after intermission, the needles, bats, etc are removed, and we are untied. i am chosen to try out a new device. i am straped into the new device which looks like a table with metal arms. the straps hold my arms down. my feet and legs are straped to the metal arms. when the device is activated my legs are forced appart staying in the same plane as the top of the table. my legs move apart till i scream in pain. my pussy is wide open. each guest is allowed to inspect me closer. they finger my pussy and look inside. the machine is activated again and my legs go farther apart. i scream and beg for release. after an eternity i am released. i cannot stand let alone walk. i cry in pain for a long time. mother is next. she is streatched to the breaking point also. the guests examine her also. the twins are last. their pain is greater because of their general build. when we are all calmed and able to stand, the guests want to see us make love. i am the only one who agrees, so i am asked to make love to the other three. i talk to the three in private and explain that the pain will stop for a time, and i do love them. (i want to do this. please let me love you. i will be gentle and try to make it good for you.) kathy is first. we are forced to stand up during the entire show. i kiss her mouth and work on her breasts. being watched, causes us to become excited. when i finally pinch her clitoris hard, she is at her peak and screams her climax. she is embarased when she gets control of herself. she starts to cry her embarasement. i kiss her and whisper my love into her ear. kristy behaves the same as kathy except that she comes faster and has a better climax. when i work on my mother, i find that she is working on me too. we reach climax together. our combined screams bring applause from the audience. (mother, mother, i love you so much.) 'call me helen from now on please.' (i love you, helen.) i kneel and suck her clitoris until she moans and screams her climax into the audience. the last tortures are the pussy rubber and the water machine. the guests are allowed to feel us as we are punished. they can feel the projections moving inside of our pussy's and asshole. they can also feel the liquid pumped into us. mr pots enjoys pushing on me when the water is forced into me. at the end, we mingle with the guests. mr pots takes me into a bedroom and rapes me. when he is finished with me he slaps my face and calls me a slut. when he tries to hit me again, carl grabs his hand. i wondered where you two had gone. the other guests are missing inez. shall we join them. mr pots leaves and carl wipes the blood from my mouth. carl kisses me on the mouth and i fall into his arms. i cry a short time and then he asks me for a date. 'i want you to come here and give me a private showing. just the two of us. ok.' i agree. it wasn't what i expected but its a start. the guests are wild tonight and the four of us get abused. we get squeezed, pinched, poked, triped, steped on, kicked. mr pots even spit on me. we are all required to kiss each guest goodnight at the door. when they are gone, tommy, paul, arnie, and maxine tie our hands and load us into maxine's van. 'you guys did a very good job tonight. we will get a handsome bonus.' they talk about us as though we are their property. i start to declare our freedom and paul kicks me in the stomach. he kicks so hard that it is some time before i can breath. paul notices my breathing problem and holds my mouth and nose till i pass out. when i wake up the van has stopped. maxine is sitting in front of me holding several long needles. i stare at them in fear. 'i watched the man insert these, i bet i can do just as good. (please, i ache already.) maxine takes my breast in her hand and inserts a needle part way. i groan. maxine pushes it very very slowly. i cannot move or the needle will tear my flesh. 'inez, do you want to work for us?' i am silent. she pulls the needle out and starts it in again. i beg thru my tears. she pulls it out and starts again. (yes, i want to work for you.) she pulls the needle out and asks me what i could do for them. i could make your customers happy. would you do for us what you did for carl tonight? the needle touches my skin. (yes.) she goes to helen. helen and the twins do not argue 'good we are in agreement. you will perform. we will arrange for the guests and payment. you will be paid for your work. everyone is happy. one last thing, inez. you will whore for me also. i will only use highschool boys for now. you will get half the take. ok?' she grags my breast and i agree. 'i will call you.' we are a sad group as we enter our home. we are all tired and go straight to bed. we don't discuss our slavery among ourselves. i do the chores. life goes on. my first whoreing comes after only a week. maxine calls me and gives me a name, an address, a date, and a time. bart is in my classes at school. he is very shy. i knock on his door several times before he answers. 'i have changed my mind. you can keep the money.' (may i come in please.) bart invites me into the living room. we talk about school. (may i sit by you?) when i am finally close to him, i guide the talk to more intimate subjects. (do you date.) 'no.' (why not?) 'who would go out with me?' (you will never know unless you ask. i am here now, and i'm glad it's you. would you like to go out on a date tonight, with me.) 'no. you're a ...' (and you do not want to be seen with a ...) i am hurt, but he is scared to death, so i ignore his comment. very slowly, i start touching him. arms, back, neck, legs, hair, face. (have you ever kissed a girl?) 'no.' (would you like to?) bart faces me. i take his face in my hands and we kiss. he has a lot to learn. we kiss several times. finally he seems to settle down and enjoy it. my fingers start to explore his body. i take his hand and place it on my breast. bart squeezes and starts to fondle me. slowly i work my way onto his penis. i rub his pants and his penis grows. bart looks frightened for a moment so i go very slowly. sometimes he looks like he is ready to run away. i undress myself slowly. when i am down to panties and bra, i start on bart. he is reluctant to undress. i am patient. when he is down to shorts, i stop and fondle him thru the material. he moans and comes in his shorts. the stain on his shorts grows. bart looks embarassed. i talk to him and explain that it happens to everyone their first few times. i continue to fondle his shorts. i pump him dry inside of his shorts. very slowly, i reach inside and take his penis in my hand. i stroke him until he starts to grow again. when he is larger i remove his shorts. i ask him to help me out of my bra and panties. bart unhooks me with some difficulty. he is surprised by my large breasts. he slides my panties to the floor. i feel him start to come again so i stop stroking him. i kiss him for real. he opens and takes my tongue. he squeezes my breasts and feels my pussy. finally his finger enters my secret place and i guide his finger onto my clitoris. he fingers me till i moan and indicate that i need him now. bart climbs onto me. i guide his penis into me. we start slowly. bart lasts a long time. he moans when he comes in me. i enjoy it to. bart is awkward, but he can learn. we clean up and dress. bart hands me a hundred dollar bill. 'this is for the extra good time i had. please don't tell anyone about me.' (there is nothing to tell. all you need is practice.) 'would you like to go out and eat with me now.' (yes.) we go to a nice restaurant and have a good time. when we are back at bart's house, he is awkward again until i explain that i can do it as many times as i want, and i want to do it again with him. we make love again. bart is much better. his confidence is growing. finally i go home, two hundred dollars richer. on the night of my date with carl, i wear my special clothes. i think i look pretty good. i walk over to carl's place. his place looks different without all the people. carl gives me special attention. he asks me for my clothes. i hesitate, but i give them to him. 'you are gorgeous. thank you for coming tonight.' i don't see where carl puts my clothes. we go downstairs. carl indicates the rack. i climb on and he straps me in. htb. htb. htb. htb. htb. i cry out. (carl, please, it hurts.) he waits for a time. htb. htb. htb. my face is in my pussy. i groan from pain. carl spreads my pussy open with his fingers and bends down to my face. we kiss. we french. he asks me to kiss myself so i do. then we each kiss my pussy and each other, alternating. our tongues meet and we both lick my clitoris. carl holds me open while we suck me to orgasm together. while we are licking me, carl works his fingers and then his entire hand into my pussy. i groan. he kisses me and fingers my clitoris and womb. it is a curious mixture of pain and pleasure. we kiss and lick my clitoris for a very long time. carl explores every square millimeter of the inside of my pussy. finally he inserts his finger into my womb. i groan in pain. carl kisses me and we continue working on my special spot. as long as we keep working on my clitoris, i can take any amount of pain. carl works his entire finger into my uterus. when carl asks how it feels i confess that it is very painfull. after an eternity, carl withdraws and releases me. i was on the rack for so long that i cannot walk for a time. carl gets the needles. i tell him the needles are very painful. 'if you insist, i will not use them.' i want to please carl especially on our first date, so i tell him i can take it. carl takes my breast in his hand and pushes a needle thru it. he is slow and careful. i feel the tears forming. he takes my second breast and pushes a needle thru it. carl walks behind me and sticks a needle thru my cheek. then the other cheek. next the inner legs, pussy lips. he pinches my stomach and pushes a needle thru the pinched flesh. carl gets the tongue crusher and has me stick my tongue thru it. carl pulls my tongue thru and clamps down on it by now i am crying hard. the tears are running down my cheeks. carl ignores my pain and continues. carl pushes needles thru my tongue, then my cheeks and finally my lips." i ache. i cannot talk so i must submit until carl is done. carl puts needles thru the fleshy part of my arm, my ears, and my nose. finally carl stops poking me and looks at his work. 'you are a gorgeous pin cushion, darling.' carl gets his camera and takes my picture. finally he pulls the needles out. i cry into his shoulder for a time. (please forgive me. it hurt so much.) carl asks me to mount his newest machine. i almost refuse, but i have so much invested in this night already that i decide to continue. carl straps me in and htb. htb. htb. htb. i scream, and beg carl to stop. carl goes down to my pussy and looks in with a flashlight. after a time carl reaches into me with his hand and feels my womb. carl inserts his finger into my womb and i moan. carl withdraws. htb. i scream. htb. (carl please, my hip sockets. please don't pull my legs out of their sockets.) htb. i scream and sob and beg carl to release me. carl goes around to my pussy and reaches in again. my hips hurt so much that i am not sure what carl did in my pussy. i do know that he inserted his finger into my womb again. carl feels in my pussy for an awfully long time. finally he releases me. i cannot walk. carl hooks me up to the water machine and lets me rest there while it pumps and drains my bladder, my uterus, my rectum, and my stomach. the pressure growing each time the cycle is completed. my jaw is streatched out of its socket. this has not happened to me before. the pain is terrible when my jaw is slowly wrenched from its socket. i cannot scream. i can only cry. when my bladder is stretched to its limit, carl turn off the machine. he pushes on my bladder, i cannot stand the pain. finally he starts the machine again and i am drained. when carl takes me off the machine, i am exhausted. carl has me kneel in front of him while he painfully puts my jaw back in its socket. i groan and cry and scream. finally my jaw is back in its socket and i can talk again. while i am resting, carl ties my hands behind me and ties a rope to my hands. when i see him put the rope thru the hook in the ceiling, i start to resist. carl pulls the rope tight. i scream in pain. carl pulls the rope and ties it off so that my toes barely reach the floor. i am sobing. (carl, my arms are still sore from the other night, please don't do this.) i hear a bell. 'that's the door, i will be right back. (no. no. please don't leave me hanging here.) carl leaves. i wait. when i hear someone on the stairs i am surprised to see that it is not carl. oh no. mr pots. 'hello inez.' (hello mr pots.) he kicks my feet away several times so that i am hanging, scrambling to get my feet under me. (please mr pots.) i am sobing from the pain. 'you want me to stop.' (yes.) he stops kicking me and pulls his pants and shorts down. he works on himself till he is hard, then he forces his penis into me from behind. he pumps me till he comes. when he is satisfied, he withdraws. mr pots goes into the bathroom and cleans himself up, then he comes back to me. 'how about a piggy back ride.' before i know what he is doing he climbs between my arms and jumps up on my back. my arms go up and my feet are flat on the floor. the pain is extreem. my arms feel like they are being pulled out of their sockets. i scream in pain. "mr pots tries to kick my feet out from under me. i almost fall. finally he gets down. he grabs my feet and pulls them out from under me. he pulls them so that i am hanging face down while he holds my feet. he pulls on my feet as hard as he can so that my shoulders are strained to the limit. finally mr pots drops me and i scramble to get my feet under me. 'want to do that again?' (no please.) 'you will come to the store tommorrow and apologize to me in public for being rude to me. make sure your friends that work there see you.' (ok.) i hang for a long time. finally carl comes down. 'sorry darling, business. mr pots likes you. he is willing to pay to have you give him a private show. (no.) 'ok. just call me if you change your mind. i have several who mentioned you by name.' (carl, please let me down.) carl takes me down and lets me rest in the pussy ruber machine. it also seems more painful than the last time. i am on it for a long time. my pussy is raw and my asshole hurts worse. my breasts hurt also. (i want to go home, please.) 'but, i am not finished yet.' (please carl, let me go home.) carl helps me upstairs i can barely walk. he helps me to the door and pushes me out. the door is closed quietly. it is a moment before i notice that i am naked. i knock on the door, but get no reply. i am naked and hurting. i am weak and exhausted. i must find my way home without being seen.